Managed IT Services
Our Helpdesk is available over the phone and email to remotely login and fix any issues your users are facing. Whether the issues are network, server, software, even hardware based, our techs can solve your problems remotely and onsite.

Server Monitoring, Maintenance & Support
We monitor and maintainservers, and insure all errors and warnings are addresses, security is intact. If an issue occurs, our team responds quickly and efficiently to make sure that services are restored quickly

Backups, Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Services
Whether they are physical or virtual, at your location in the Cloud, we can manage your Backups. The key to maintaining a viable Disaster recovery Strategy is understanding Business continuity, Severity, and Impact.

Virtualization & Cloud Services
We can help virtualize your existing servers to make the most out of your existing infrastructure, improvingperformance, and allowing your company to scale. Backing up or Synchronizing your data to any cloud gives your company a distinct ability to grow smoothly.
Emergency IT Services
Need Help Now? We can assist in person or over the phone with any IT related problem, BIG or Small. Server Down: Can access application or services, Failed Hard Drives: Data Recovery, No Internet, Virus and Malware removal, Backups Failing, Corrupted Application or database.

VOIP Solutions
(Voice over IP) is an IP telephony term for a set of facilities used to manage the delivery of voice information over the Internet. VoIP involves sending voice information in digital form in discrete packets rather than by using the traditional circuit-committed protocols of the public switched telephone network (PSTN). A major advantage of VoIP and Internet telephony is that it avoids the tolls charged by ordinary telephone service.

Web, database & mobile development
IT Tech Support offers custom application development and full life-cycle design for a range of platforms, architectures, technologies and devices. Our cross-industry expertise and better understanding of business processes benefits our client’s needs of highly customized products and services.

Dark Web Monitoring
We monitor for compromised credentials in real-time on the Dark Web and notify you immediately when these critical assets are compromised, before they can be used for identity theft, data breaches, or other crime.